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Jeff Mach: Time to Smell The Roses.

Over the last few weeks many people have been coming out against Jeff Mach or Jeff Mach Events now “Just Magical Events”, as Jeff Mach is no longer in charge, and there is a full change of hands in the process. The actions of Jeff Mach should not affect those who recently took over and changed the company to Just Magical Events. Hold Jeff accountable for the following information, Tammy and new staff members are no longer affiliated with him on a professional level and do not tolerate misconduct.

While it is wonderful to hear that Jeff Mach is no longer in charge of Convention Favorites such as Wicked Faire it does not mean the fight is over for those that are a victim of his actions. Please note that the stories here are only segments from the victims.  At the bottom of this page there is a link to the Database containing the many Offenses of Mr. Jeff Mach.

One victim stated 

I was partner and/or employee of Turtle Hill Events from its inception by my late husband in 2002 through my involvement with THE Rope Camp in summer 2013. After our husband’s death, my now ex-wife took over the company, which offered registration services for various event producers in the Mid-Atlantic region and has run various events including the 15 year old THE Beltane. Beginning with the first Geeky Kink Event, THE began contracting event registration services for JME. As I separated from THE in 2013, I will share some personal experiences from my time then.

Beginning quite early, around SPWF 1 in 2010, Jeff would regularly begin or end interactions with me by hitting on me and offering me sexual favors, almost apologetically and with the stated expectation I would say no. I always said no; he continued in this habit until I stopped interacting closely with him, at GKE in 2015. At times, these offers of sexual favors were made by him as proxy for others, that is, claiming he could pay me for non-sexual favors or help by hooking me up with various people he knew. These people were “coincidentally” always staffers of his events or his own romantic partners. These offers happened frequently, including in nearly all business interactions where he would ask me to help him with something or attempt to soften a denial of something I’d requested.

One of his top staffers, TS, would also frequently tell me during events that I was attractive and must have lots of women going to bed with me, especially because I am polyamorous and was therefore “always available”. He, like Jeff, offered other staffers to me as sex partners, outside their presence and who were strangers to me, during events and during interactions that were otherwise about event business. At the second GKE, TS had many transphobic behaviors on display, and spoke to me and three other THE staffers who were on-duty manning the check-in station about the “gender kittens” and how insufferable ‘they’ were, and how the event was bending over backwards to accommodate ‘their’ nonsense requests and how ‘they’ were just in denial about being “the gender they were born”. At the time, I identified as a transfeminine genderqueer person, and GKE was one of the few spaces where I felt safe doing so out loud including asking for proper pronoun use. I stopped TS somewhere in his rant to ask him, “You _do_ know _I’m_ one of the ‘gender kittens’, right?” TS’s reaction was to not even play me off as ‘yeah, but you’re not like the rest of them’ but instead to briefly finish complaining about trans people before leaving. I brought this up with Jeff in person at the event later, and was told not to worry about it and that it was “just how [TS] talks to people”. When additional complaints were brought against TS, mine were forgotten so far as I know in reviewing whether he still qualified to attend the event, and THE strongly recommended that TS be completely removed from association with JME, in part because of my own experience. Jeff claimed he would do so, then claimed he could not separate TS from JME due to “monetary reasons” afterwards.

The happenings here are not only unsettling but shows a lack of support for the LGBT community. Many stories echo the advances and some even have the reoccurring theme of being unfriendly towards certain walks of life. This is only a small portion of this persons story. Another victim of Jeff Mach stated;

This is where it gets hairy, no pun intended. Now, I will say that he never once laid a finger on me, but a smirk grew on one side of his face and he started “complimenting” me on my physical build, and that he had noticed me, and had been keeping an eye one me. He went on about how strong I look, and how he liked my eyes and such. I thanked him but let him know in no uncertain terms that I wasn’t interested and that I am straight. I go to get up and head out, and he stands up, uses his cane as a barrier against the wall and asks if I knew who he was, and then started looking me up and down. Yep, I knew exactly who he was. And straight to the point, I told him “Yeah, I know who you are. Now move or be moved.” He chose to move. I left the room, and grabbed my stuff, and then left the event.

Now, as if that weren’t bad enough, when I brought this up to a few people that were closer to the top of the leadership, I was insulted and ridiculed, and told that I was a Nazi and a few other pejoratives I’ll leave out. I had a one or two basically tell me they’ve heard that story a few times from other people. I can’t speak for them. But what I can say is I left that day and I will never go back. Not because of his staff (mistakes happen and at events that big chaos can cross a lot of wires) but because of him. Because of the people close to him that protect him knowing that he is a predator. Knowing that this, and I, are not an exception, but pretty much par for the course. Not only will those of you reading this not get paid, not get your room as requested, fed properly, but you will also likely be sexually harassed, if you fit his tastes. And then, people around him will close ranks and shun you, insult you, and exile you.

Based on this its safe to say that those he hired may have even partook in similar actions. Which is highly disturbing to say the least. If you know someone is doing wrong, you should stand up against them despite their position of power be it over you or someone else. Lack of payment, hotel rooms, and food is also highly concerning as most events cover at least the room for working or even some form of compensation. It certainly sounds like a scam despite the conventions he has run being successful, dare I say he created his own hunting ground?

Another incident, is far more disturbing;

When I was 16, I had no experience with bdsm or sex and was beginning my first long term relationship. I certainly did have access to the internet, and with my raging hormones, I found a lot of kink quite arousing.

I knew of Jeff and his events. He had the respect of a community, he had charisma, and had experience with bdsm. I approached him and he agreed to meet me and teach me. My bf and I had dabbled but neither of us had done much of anything.

An adult was going to be alone with with an underaged kid and teach her bdsm for the first time.

What happened was kinky. It was sexual. I was highly turned on. I entered a submissive alterned state of consciousness. Psychologically, he put my mind into places it had never been. It was deep and dark and he pushed my limits. The lines of consent are blurry in this dark realm. I don’t want to give details but I ended up in tears.

(Playing in this dark realm can be exhilarating. I am all for it between consensual adults. But this is my first time entering this realm, and I was very vulnerable.)

I shrugged off the incident. After all, I felt proud of myself as a submissive to obey his instructions. And he was a great teacher. He was not at fault.

I would still recall the incident in passing. It was certainly not something I would forget. But, I didn’t really think about it and analyze it from an adult perspective. Until now.

And it is utterly fucked up.

An adult man was engaging in very deep psychological and sexual behavior with an underage girl who had never done it before. IT IS WRONG.

Because of that and other experiences I’ve had, I’m extremely sensitive to my young looking appearance. If someone even mentions school girl skirts or acting underage, I get extremely disgusted and defensive. I am extremely untrusting.

At the age of 16 it is impossible to consent to sexual activity as regulated by federal standards. While the regulation varies from state to state the federal standard does take residence being defined as under the age of 18. This is because under the age of 18 we, as human beings, can not make important life decisions due to the natural development of our mind that affects our reasoning. While we may give consent this does not mean that we fully grasp its concept at such a young age.

Since the various victims have come forward a number of performers have dropped out of the events or issued statements. Platform One even putting out one that pertained to both Jeff Mach’s actions as well as the lead singer’s current health Status;

It is with a heavy heart that we have to announce that we will not be performing at Wicked Faire.

My medical concerns have had the band on high alert. My cancer team has scheduled my surgery for Feb.5. Having received a call today about some less than helpful bacteria, and now needing yet one more RX, performing at a convention seems not the best idea.

My health and safety have to come first.

Then there’s the elephant in the room. The enormity of accusations against JME are in direct conflict with our message of feminism, consent and anti-bullying. It was the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back. While our experiences with JME have never been negative, we can’t overlook the voices of those brave enough to come forward.

We will miss the fans and the friends we’ve built up over the years. We sincerely hope you understand why we made this decision.

Thank you for all your love and support.

-Nigel Taylor
Platform One

* Also this isn’t a forum for any grievances against JME. There are other pages where you can do that. Please refrain from posting stories or comments about that matter on this page. – Thank you.

And of course you have people who can’t back out of the events as they have families to feed and rent to pay. I feel sorry for those that can’t back out as they now stand right in the middle. They are forced to stay with the event for this year so they can support their needs but know that it is morally wrong to support events or show runners that allow such behavior.

Remember that this is behavior promoted by Jeff Mach and his circle of friends that had previously worked the shows. Tammy has removed Jeff Mach from all official channels based on a live stream that happened before the event this weekend. There have been multiple threats to the convention as well as the hotel it self causing a doubling of security. Tammy even said ” I personally feel betrayed, I trusted him”  The new staff are now also victims in this case. 

To say the least Wicked Faire commenced as planned this weekend thanks to those who had faith in the new management that made it very clear in a facebook post that they stand with the victims Tammy continuing on in the same live stream “I believe the victims.”” , its safe to say Jeff Mach and his actions will not go unpunished by the community and those who strive to make events safe.

If we want to continue to make sure Jeff Mach does not have access to conventions filled with vulnerable individuals it is our job, as a community, to make sure people are aware of his misdeeds. It also is up to us to create a dialogue between us, the community, and those that run these events so we can help them run safer and better events. Do not be afraid to contact the con chair or security heads with ideas to help strengthen policy, do not be afraid to to bring someone to their attention that may have slipped through the cracks.

I the event the person conducting the behavior is the head of the convention, or security go higher or even bring attention to it online. Share your stories and experiences, make sure people hear you and listen. the more people that listen the more impact you will have.

To review all the statements from victims and other performers as well as even show vendors please check out Owl Eye View: "Time to Name Drop and Protect Newbies   There are many complaints as well as statements echoing the same behavior in his time running events and attending them.

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