True Crime One-On-One: Eric Carter-Landin from True Consequences.

Eric Renderking Fisk | March 2020

An interview Eric Carter-Landin from True Consequences about True Crime in his home state of New Mexico and the cases that he covers on his own podcast.

From the intro on his website:

Eric Carter-Landin was born and raised in New Mexico. As a child, Eric lived in poverty and watched his single mother struggle to make ends meet. When he was five (1985) his brother was murdered and the killer was never prosecuted. Because of this and because of the amount of unsolved or unresolved cases in New Mexico, Eric decided to create a podcast that focuses on crime in New Mexico. The purpose is to bring awareness to the general public about some of the most known and some unknown cases. This is all done with the goal of trying to affect change and leverage public awareness to help drive some of these cases from cold to solved. This will not be done overnight and will take the efforts of every listener and member of the public but together we can make an impact.

Follow Eric Carter-Landin on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Not just another True Crime Podcast...

On each episode I interview True Crime podcasters, investigators and authors to ask them about their motivations. What inspired these people to become determined to do what they do? What are the original cases that gave them their start, the cases they’re working on, and the cases that keep them going? And what is the “Holy Grail” of True Crime topics they want to tackle in the future?

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