The Fedora Chronicles - The Golden Age Of Hollywood

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September 5th, 2007 - Buzz of The Web: The Back Lot pictures.

"The Backlot" shares with the folks on  The Harrison Ford Web: (09-01-2007, 07:24 PM) pictures he says are from "Indiana Jones And The City Of Gods..." Here I'm reposting what he said, mostly because I've tried to reply but the folks at HFW haven't fully activated my account.

"The Genre Project aka Indiana Jones 4 aka Indiana Jones and the City of the Gods is, as you already know, currently back in Los Angeles filming the remaining portions of the film. The production is sprawling, landing at most all of the studios in and around Los Angeles. Downey Studios, Sony Studios, Universal Studios, and Warner Brothers Studios.

I bring to you folks today some of what I could gather. First, Universal Studios. Yes, the South American temple is definitively for Indy/Genre. They were shooting exterior day scenes with a large blue screen this past Wednesday."

Now, I (Eric "Renderking" Fisk) don't want to be too much of a jerk or to rain on someone's parade, but hasn't the "Universal Studio" Pictures been debunked as being for "National Treasure 2?" Is there any chance at all that someone is either mistaken OR that two studios are using the same sets for two different movies? Just a question and a thought...

Here are "thumbs" of the pictures on "Harrison Ford Web..." (If these are pictures Backlot took are supposed to be taken with out the permission of the folks making this film, I don't feel bad for "stealing" them and hosting smaller versions here. Do you?)

Backlot continues

Heading across the Los Angeles river over to Warner Brothers, here's where it gets a little interesting. The Genre Project is going to be shooting on Stage 16, and it's under extremely tight security. Apparentely they've been there for a long time constructing sets, however they'll only be there for about three days of filming. And yes, it looks like the interior of the South American temple. The sets are huge. And there may be more than one. Temple, that is. Or is there? The property department at Warner Brothers has a few items tucked away in the back with Genre hold cards on them... but they're Egyptian artifacts, and the location is listed as; "Ante Chamber." It's been rumored that the Deming, New Mexico location was used to stand in for Morocco, but no photos have appeared from that location. So are these to be put into a set that's a continuation of that location, or are these to be found in th South American Temple, and if so; "What you say!?" Exciting stuff, no?


"The Backlot" then posts (09-03-2007, 06:14 PM)...

I am far too lazy to register/post on other websites, clearly a lot of people are reading this thread so let me just throw this out there...

I think people are reading way FAR into the Egyptian props. I believe these props to be used as background filler for this Ante Chamber set. Yes, there's probably going to be better designed and custom built props but these are just to add clutter to the set, etc. So for the folks on the forum going on about how goofy some of them may look, or some of them may be based on cats like tutankhamen, they probably have nothing to do with the story, like I said, they're simply filler.

Now, this is again where I have to interject... and vent my frustration with some of the Indy Sites and side with "Backlot." (When I say "Some sites," I mean all but three.) for the past few years, we've seen a lot of just crazy nonsense about this movie and admin have been being over backwards trying to keep their sites a live with bits of news that have come and gone. Some have done a great job at reporting the news and offering up speculation and SAYING it's speculation... like Aaron Gantt and The Indy Experience who kept the news as NEWS and kept the speculation as SPECULATION, and some sites will post something that they half heard/read and understood and then make incompetent mistakes in "re-reporting" the "Indy News," or purposely lie and lead people on that what they're saying is actually "real news" just to fluff their own reputation. When they got caught in the past, they blame the source.

When they can't get away with that... or there's no nugget of truth to base any lies on... then some admin on the site would pit forum members against each other or over-exaggerate problems and issues simply for melodrama.

What I just described is what "Back Lot" is talking about here, the obsessive fan boy bull... people making wild speculations, thinking that if they make the most outrageous theory that other fans buy into (that makes it into forums like iMDB) they they've suddenly become part of the making of the movie.

Some folks don't get this: It's a movie. It's something that's going to be released next year. It's not meant for people to obsess over every single day, every waking hour... and speculate on every detail. Sometimes, you have to do what those of us on The Fedora Chronicles have learned to do... just shut the computer off, and the TV... and go out and do something and then come back when you have something worth to post about. Want some adventures to obsess about? Obesss about your own. Ok... that took too long. Now back to "Back Lot."

And just to clarify, these Egyptian photos were not taken on a set. So anything you see in the background has nothing to do with Indiana Jones.

Oh, and one more thing. The SuperHero hold cards are for another production that has nothing to do with Indy, either. Set Decorators go into a prop house and as if they were shopping, they find what they want, place a hold card on it. Then the property department makes a list of everything that has a hold card on it, calls the production office and gives them a rental qoute for the props. Multiple productions use these props often back to back, and as you can see these dates are very close to one another, hopefully that clears that up too. Carry on :)

That's it so far... if there are any other posts, I'll be sure to fill you in or just host a link if there's not much more to say... but before I go and save this file and put it back on the server, let me say this: There's an aspect to this that strikes me as being very odd. There's something strange going on here, and it harks back to a rant I wrote a couple of weeks ago.

There's something that tells me that this "Back Lot" might be a plant from Paramount/LucasFilm/Spielberg's production staff who are leaking this information to sites that don't suck (and we all know the ones that do... or the one that does...) I have a hunch (that not even I 100% believe) that this "Back Lot" is just doing his job by letting folks know that this isn't going to be "Indiana Jones And The Saucer Men." There's a good chance that "Back Lot" is trying to counter some of the moronic drivel that people have posted as "News" about this movie and it's plot.

I HOPE I'm right... to some extent.

September 1st, 2007 "The Aztec Temple Trail?"

"According to many of the local people where these pictures were taken, there's been a lot of activity here, as if there they (Paramount Pre-Production staff?) were preparing this location for a pivotal scene. Months before, there had been a lot of activity, a lot of dirt and rocks either being taken in or or out, wheel barrels moving stuff around, shovels, crow-bars... you name it. 

Then on during first week of August (6th - 10th?) there were people wearing fedoras, (Ford and stunt doubles?) a woman in period dress (Karen Allen as "Marion?") and a film crew with cameras, there was just a lot of activity. Nobody saw Lucas or Spielberg, but they acted very professional. Could have been the Second Unit filming!"

"The Idol Dig"

What's happening here? What do these pictures say to you?

What's with the all-too-familiar idol?

What's happening in the picture on the right? What's the story behind that scene? Is that blood on the ground and the broken shovel? How did the shovel break? Who's blood is that?

How come nobody finished the dig, with the idol in the ground?

Where where those pictures taken? New Mexico? Arizona? South America?

If you have an idea about who took these pictures and what they're about, let us know. Do you have a speculation or two? Would you like to know the truth? Let us know!

June 13th, 2007: "Indiana Jones And The City Of Gods" Set?

Special thanks to Aaron The Cooler King!

Is this the first look at the sets for the next Jones Flick? Looks like the entrance of an Aztec or Mayan Temple... Click The Links for the rest of this story...

From "Cinematical" - You Knew This Was Coming ... First 'Indy 4' Set Pics Posted Jun 13th 2007 10:01AM by Erik Davis

What appear to be the first pics from the still-under-construction Indiana Jones and the City of the Gods (aka Indiana Jones 4) set have just popped online. Taken from the Universal lot, the pics seem to show the entrance to some sort of cave, with what looks like the symbol of a golden lion welcoming visitors to a place where I'm sure Indiana Jones and his cohorts will eventually wind up. Could this be one of the temples where Indy goes searching for a crystal skull, as previously reported?"

The Original Story can be found here... První obrázky z Indiana Jonese 4!

Where hosting pix on our own server as to not use up too much of the other sites bandwidth... and if you can translate what that other site says... let us know and we'll make it worth your effort!

[Let us also throw out that we have no idea if this is really for "Indiana Jones And The Raiders Of The Lost Sequel" "National Treasure2" or even for an up-coming episode of "South America's Funniest Home Videos...." If you know, let us know via the forum, THANKS!]

The Movie Blog - First Indiana Jones 4 Set Pictures," By John Campea. "Movie Blog reader "ChewieDC" gave me the heads up on this site claiming to have the first pictures from the set of the upcoming (allegedly) 4th installment of the Indiana Jones franchise. The site has more pictures that you can see..."

Movie Patron Blog and Cinecast - First Indiana Jones 4 Set Pictures!" By Ross Miller. "Thanks to FilmPub I think we may have the first four set pictures of Indiana Jones 4! Now take this with a grain of salt as it isn't comfirmed at all that these are legitimate pictures."

Cinema Blend - USA: Indiana Jones And The Stone Wall," By Rafe Telsch: 2007-06-13 12:08:14

"Indiana Jones 4, tentatively titled Indiana Jones and the City of the Gods is underway. Earlier this week there was a cattle call for extras in New Haven, Connecticut, and it appears production is underway at the Universal Studios backlot as well.

Filmpub claims to have photos of the construction of a set for Indiana Jones 4, perhaps even a look at the entrance of the City of the Gods. Or, maybe the Czech site just has pictures of a stone wall… or a set from another movie altogether. Who knows.

Not to sound too cynical, but Indy is going to be big news for the next year, which means everyone is going to try and cash in on its popularity. Be wary of everything you see that isn’t officially released by the studio. Of course, it’s always great to find out pictures and information are authentic, but typically that’s only confirmed by the cease and desist letters."


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